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--Opposites Do Good--

Beginers and Experts alike a quick tip for RPGs.

If you are ever having a hard time in an RPG and find yourself low on attacks never fear. Often the most effective attacks are the opposite of what your enemy is doing. If you have an enemy that uses fire then you might find an ice attack more useful. This is also true of enemies that are dead. If you find yourself fighting dead enemies then simply use an item that revives the life of the dead. Some of the most difficult enemies in RPGs can be beat using these methods. Use the elements to your advantage.

--Rage Is No Way To Play--

Even the best of us get taken down in the gaming realm be it by a boss o the loss of a tournament. Beating the hell out of your controler or throwing your system out the window will not make beating the game any better. Take a break. If you need smoke, if you do. Grab a snack or even stop playing for the rest of the day. A few hours sleep can do you some good. And excercise is a good stress reliever, so put the chips down before you get yourself a case of titanic ass. Besides you bought the games to enjoy them not to beat and pawn off in two hours. If that is why you get games try renting, it's cheaper.

--Just A Few Dollars More--

Getting money in RPGs, be it Gold, Gil, or whatever, can be quite a task. Often though you casn steal goods from your enemies. They maybe only simple items worth little but when you have collected enough sell those items for a cash boost. Remember fighting enemies boosts your level and fills you money bag. If you do it right you can get the max level and dollar amount in one day or two.

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