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Viruses: Problems, Identification, Removal, Prevention


Lately it seems that any nicompoop with half a brain and a two hard drives is making these pesky things. For the common user getting them is more than easy and removing them is more than hard. So here I will tell you how to fix your virus problems.

First you need to identify the culprit to make sure that you are having virus troubles. The first thing to check is your computer itself. Is the system acting differently? Are programs not responding? Try many different programs and see if they all act the same. If so, at this point, run your anti-virus software. If you don't have any then you should get one. If you need one then contact me and I'll tell you the best one to buy or the best free one to get. Anyway run one and see if that fixes your problem. By the way a new bar in your internet browser does not constitute a virus that is ad ware and I will cover that later on.

The best way to prevent viruses is to check your email carfully. if you recieve an email from someone you know still check it out. On the right hand side of your inbox and bulk mail folders are numbers that say something like 12KB. This is a size measurement and tells you the size of the letter. First sign of a virus is a large number, only if the person is not sending images. If you only receve letters from that person that meassure 12KB normaly as a maximum and you get a 41KB letter then confirm with that person that they sent you a letter. Also include the subject so that they know what you are talking about. Never send the letter in question as an attachment.

Next step, if you do open the letter and see the extention .dat, .exe, .dll, .pif heed warning that this is probaly a virus, most people don't send these file types. So buy taking these steps you can cut down a possible virus infection.

If you have high speed internet then you are probaly being hacked and need a firewall. Once again I will tell you where to buy one or get one free, should you not have one. If you are still getting viruses and do not have a firewall then please get one.

If you want to spend more money then for about $30.00 USD you can get a hub and prevent most hackers from even getting access to your system if you would like to know the difference between a hub and a firewall email me. A hub in my opinion is better but can cost more.

Remember your personal information is on your computer so protect it and prevent Identity Theft. Someone could be spending your paycheck, do you know who?

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