----1 Gigabyte on a CD-R/RW?-----
As odd as it may sound this is possible, all though very tricky. Hows the trick work? Well if you have program that
supports over burning then you can do this. A program like Roxio for Windows should do. Fill a CD so that the bar at the
bottom of the Data CD Burning area is full. The bar reads up to 1000MB or 1GB. Use a 700MB CD-R/RW and start the buring
process. Before you start the burn the program askes "There is more than 700MB of data here do you wish to over burn
the disc?" The text should read something like that. Anyway go ahead and burn the disc with over burn and you should
be able to fit around 1GB on the disc. A good trick for MP3 CDs and Data CDs, note that this trick is not good for Audio
CDs thought as the tracks often don't read. Your data should be fine but in case this is yor first time please make a disc
with 800MB to start.